Listen. Shhh. Don’t tell the cats. But this hooman has made an error. >.<
I’ll tell you about it just a bit!
But the cats probably already knew 😒
what in the name of Nya is a Whisker Type?
In Nya’s world, every being is classified by their "Whisker Type."
This classification system is inspired by the feline belief that a cat's whiskers can sense things beyond the visible realm.
Just as whiskers help cats navigate the world with precision and grace, the Whisker Type helps categorize everyone is cats’ life.
Each entry in the Whiskerpedia—from the different cat breeds to the magickals like Bobos—is given a Whisker Type.
This system emphasizes the unique characteristics and special abilities of each being, much like how a cat's whiskers detect subtle changes in their environment.
For example:
Feline Friends: Different breeds of cats, each with their own Whisker Type based on personality and skills.
Every non-cat is lovingly referred to as a "cat," whether or not they possess feline genetics.
This inclusive worldview means that even beings like Bobos or dogs proudly wear a sticker that says, "Hi, my name is Cat," embracing their (token diversity) place in Nya's life kingdom.
The classification "Non-Cat Cat" is assigned to folks that don't fit the traditional feline mold, but are still seen through the lens of cat-ness, recognized for their unique traits and how they contribute to the feline world.
Each entry in the Whiskerpedia—from the various cat breeds to the Bobos—is cataloged with this inclusive spirit.
Nya would like to infurrm you that she deeply values the contribution of any cat or non-cat to the quest for the most robust hoarding of chimken food & bringing the cat joy to more hoomans’ lives.
bobos and booboos (aka hooman mistakes)
Today, you’re lucky that you’re getting a sneak a peek at Bobos and their mischievous counterparts, Booboos.
No hooman mistake goes unnoticed. With every mistake you make, there is a cat waiting to acknowledge your mistake and convert them into mewstakes (aka gossip in cat land about you).
You better watch out. No, mebbe we’re just joking. 😌
These mistakes manifest in the form of a charming, tiny creature known as a Bobo.
These floating rainbow blobs, visible only to cats, give cats a heightened sense of the missteps of hooman life.
Bobos appear whenever a hooman error is made, reminding our feline friends of how cats are just better. Don’t ask questions.
But what about the Booboos?
Booboos are the actual human mistakes themselves, those little slip-ups and blunders that make life interesting.
Whether it's a typo, a misplaced item, or a clumsy stumble, each Booboo births a Bobo.
While Booboos are a source of mild frustration for humans, they are a source of endless amusement and insight for cats.
Cat-tribution Rating:
Lovability: 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 (5/5)
Bobos are adored by all cats for their cute and cheerful appearance.
Helpfulness in World Domination: 🐾🐾🐾🐾 (4/5)
By revealing hooman errors, Bobos help cats get closer to world domination.
Chimken Contribution: 🐾🐾🐾 (3/5)
While Bobos don't directly provide chimken food supply, they boost the cats' morale, indirectly supporting their quest for endless chimken food.
We hope the next time you spot a cat facing the wall or a corner, you know and learn that a hooman closeby (maybe you?) has made a hooman error, and that cat is infact hanging out with a Bobo.
And now for some hooman attempts at sharing mews. Nya has been hard at work teaching her hooman cat skills.
a big booboo happened :(
Henlo, Nya’s hooman here. She would like me to confess to a big booboo that gave birth to one of the shiniest, brightest, rainbow-iest bobos she has ever seen.
It was shortly after the last mews the cats sent you. Yeah, it’s been a while.
The cats are anggyy that their employee no. #1 has not been dutifully at work sending mews from the cats. Turns out not much happened between the space of time from then till now.
Except that we officially lost the domain we’ve been using for our art and this this at (don’t click the link, it doesn’t work anymore 😭).
Nya and I have spent years cultivating our little corner and tending to our hearts there.
Nya is my personal arts practice, she helps me reconnect with myself. And when we put things out there, we hope that people get to soak in some wholesome joy too.
Nya thinks this is a serious set back for her purrsonal goals.
My booboo is that I forgot to renew the domain, we lost it and only noticed AFTER MONTHS.
Because life took more out of me that I had capacity to give. There are lots of emotions to process here, and lots to grieve.
Apparently, Nya knew about my booboo before I knew because a bobo popped out of nowhere and has been hanging out with her for months.
For context: we lost the domain in October 2023 (I think?) and we only noticed in April 2024, and by then it was purrchased by someone else.
Who might I say just looks like someone who wants to make some quick bucks off hoomans making errors like me. 😒
where to from here?
We have decided to move forward after this tragedy and start fresh. I am in the pawcess of rebuilding Nya’s website from scratch. We have a brand new shiny domain.
We will rebuild from scratch.
The cats have been both anggyy at the state of affairs, but gentle and loving with me. Probably because their employee no. #1 still needs to put all the pieces together for them because they are anti-work.
We also decided that if we can’t have pawcatguide as part of the domain, we might as well scrape the idea. All of our social handles have/will change.
One step at a time. *pat pat*
yup, that’s it.
I don’t know how, but we ended up with a super fun and joyful new domain at There’s nothing there yet, but oh well, the domain works and is more impurrtantly owned by the cats at the mo.
So we’re just going to do it. Take the jump and change everything to
See our Instagram at
It’s going to take a lot of love, time and effort but we’ll welcome you into this pawcess and even chip in with decisions where we are struggling (or too tired) to make them.
The cats don’t really think they want democracy, but I’m trying to push for it, ykwim?
We’ll say a proper goodbye to Paw Cat Guide sometime soon, and take you on a tour of all the wonderful cat thing things we’ve done that sparks a lot of joy~!
what really happened?
To be honest, looking back I can tell I was burnt out and life felt over capacity. I was in functional freeze.
I spent most days just crashing and fully exhausted after the day’s work. Everything feels like a blur, and I can’t fully recall what transpired during this time.
All I recall is being able to keep up with “obligations” including the daily demands of a job, functional self-care and trying to keep up with the people I cared about in my life.
But all this left me with no capacity to *really* give to myself, rest and recharge and meet my needs, and sit with my art.
Everything got ignored until it really had to be done, even then as you can see, things slipped through the cracks.
I spent months filled with desire to do more, unable to do more, in so many aspects of my life ranging from my art to health and many more aspects.
moving furrward
I recognise that the organizing principle of the modern world is pain, but I have been actively seeking to reorganize it around pleasure.
I dream of my purrsonal art blending into a spectrum of collective expression from people from different walks of life. And I hope they are not hoity-toity, in a museum, put away behind a glass wall.
I hope the art I get to birth brings joy, awe, wonder, curiosity. Most impurrtantly, I’m now setting the intention that it’ll give you a little rabbit hole to dive into to access some form of agency and power in your own life.
With this, Nya and I have a (soft) announcement. It’s a sekret one, mostly because we are under-pawpared. We don’t have any collaterals, or any links for you to access. It’s a purely an idea we’ve been nesting with for a while.
Intrroducing Nya's Purrfect Pawliday: Celebrate International Cat Day With Us
As the world navigates through challenging times, our feline friends have been working tirelessly to provide us with unconditional love, comfort, and emotional support.
This International Cat Day (8 Aug 2024), Nya is inviting hoomans to take better care of themselves so the cats don’t have to work so hard.
To kickstart the celebrations, Nya encourages you to make the Purrfect Pledge – a promise to prioritize your own well-being by playing well, eating well, and sleeping well.
As a hooman, making this simple commitment and actually taking smöl steps towards it is a big deal for the cats. This means you take the labour of the cats seriously and that you are committed to them.
That’s it, simple. We won’t ask you to make purrchases or do any shares but we will NOT say no to pictures of your cute cats and their toe beans. *wink wink nudge nudge*
We’re still in the pawcess of putting together some ideas that’ll be fun for all of us, and not feel like yet another demand that we have to fulfil.
More impurrtantly, the cats also want to reach more hoomans for the betterment of all cats, so if you have any ideas, please write to Nya at
We welcome all chaotic good ideas. 😻
Paws & Ponder With The Cats
As we think about eating well, sleeping well and playing well, the cats invite you to rreflect on how these have been going for you?
Here are some prompts for your to meow over:
What yumz food have you been enjoying lately and has it been nourishing you?
Has you feed enough yumz food to your cat (if any)?
If you could plan anything for yourself to recharge for a day, what would you do to fill your cup?
If you had a period of doing nothing (hypothetical question, stay with us), what curiosities would you chase?
You Can Send Mews Too!
Know a cat or a hooman who may enjoy the word of the cats? You can furrward this and share mews with them yourself. The cats will be extremely pleased with you if you share.
Who knows, maybe then this hooman may feel better about their mistakes because in the grand scheme of things mistakes were meant to happen because cats like the company of bobos.
Or maybe you have mews from your cat, in which case we will receive them in the commets section.
Want to Receive Mews Straight In Your Inbox?
The cats send gentle mews for you if you are in your transformation era.