Henlo, hooman~

Every once in a while, Mewsletter brings you tales filled with the profound reflections of a pawfessional cat and her whimsical hooman’s universe, and sent to you with love from the cats.

Who is Nya?

You may know Nya as Her Royal Felineness & Pawfessional Cat.

A rare pawtrait of Ms Nya staring at you. Look into the void and behold her power. Pay your respects to Nya by touching your cat’s toe beans. If you don’t happen to have access to cat toe beans, please send word through the USPSPSPSPS. If the cats are feline good, they will expedite the shipment of a tiny cat through the universal cat distribution system to you.

Nya is the most importantest cat in Anyā's head. She lives there rent free, but shhh, don’t tell Anyā!

Cats everywhere are anggy, but Nya in purrticular has been plotting something lately.

The cats think hoomans have rewritten cat histurry, talking up their hooman-ness and downplaying the royal felineness of cats everywhere.

Mewsletter is a speshül commission by Nya.

Nya hopes to bring cat lifestyle to more hoomans because she thinks hoomans have rewritten cat histurry and skewed it for their purrsonal benefits. With this commission, Nya hopes to share an alternative view on cat life as the cats themselves know it.

And so it has been decreed! The cats shall send hoomans mews on **some** Caturdays. For the cats, every day is Caturday. How they wish they could send you mews everyday! But they have discovered the hoomans have still a way to go with their other days. So for now, the cats will limit their mews to mostly random Saturday Caturdays.

On a side note, please find all of Nya's clickety clickety links here if you want to get busy with your hooman paw-paws.

Who is Anyā?

Nya’s hooman.

No. 1 employee of Paw Cat Guide (R.I.P. due to hooman error) Nya’s cat business life.


The cats are not much of the work kind, they’d rather delegate it and feel purrductive.

Nya’s hooman also has zero cat skills. The three most impawtent skills that Nya wishes her hooman had are to play well, to eat well and sleep well.

Nya spends a lot of time and effurt thinking up new creative ways for her hooman to pick up new cat skills. Her hooman has made some pawgress, but it is very slow. This leaves Nya quite impatient.

Btw, keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to be hooman employees of Nya. She generously makes it easy for hoomans to help cats all around. You can take the firrst step by subscribing to Mewsletter to let Nya know you are interested.

I am interested to be Nya's employee

Hear all the mews

You won’t have to worry about missing purrecious mews. The cats send you every new edition of mews straight to your inbox on **some** Caturdays.

Otherwise, you’ll miss out. You’ll have to clickety-clickety on the webbie and try to make your way to the cat mews if you think you can hear them.

Are you ready for the cats to bring you mews straight to your inbox?

Have you seen chimken food?

Please send all chimken food to mewsletter@substack.com. Nya gibs you a tiny lick on your nosie in advance.

Subscribe to Mewsletter

semding you mews from the cats


playful hooman on the imternets