Sitting In Circles
It me, Nya.
Today I tells you about this one time Anyā makes me feel very nice meow.
It an ordinary day, but I wakes up from my nap to see many circles all around the house floor. Anya makes them circles with scarf, string, paint, other thing things.
I spent the day sitting in every circle.
It nice. 😌
Nya is very close to setting up & opening her e-commerce zine shop~
I have a confession to make. Nya has been behind me to set up her zine for close to a year now. We purchased the Squarespace Commerce plan (fully paid!!) but never got around to setting it up. Instead we tentatively set up an Etsy to make it easy. Each week rolled by, I struggled to fulfil the pawmise I made to Nya to launch her zine shop.
I can’t say I had a sudden wake up call or burst of energy or anything big. But recently I’ve been feeling like maybe, just maybe, there may be more hoomans who would enjoy the joy & meaning making that is made pawssible through Paw Cat Guides, the zines we make here at Nya’s desk.
I found out that I am not motivated by money, though I will not back down from compensated fairly monetarily for the value we bring to the world through the work we make. It seems to be easy to turn up each day and try to imagine a hooman or a cat somewhere smile looking at one of the Paw Cat Guides, and for one smöl meowment, be able to let go of the pain and/or anxieties we may be harbouring in our lives.
Safety in Rhythms~
Do you have memories of yourself doing rhythmic things? Perhaps “rhythmic things” evokes singing or dancing immediately, but look beyond.
In my younger years, I recall counting to 99 steps each time I walked as a kid. Then I reset the counter to 0 and started again. You can bet nobody could rush me anywhere, I would only walk as fast as I could recite the numbers and keep up with the steps.
When I say rhythms, I’m not necessarily always referring to the obvious, though I don’t want to disregard them.
But I’ve found quiet rhythms in many areas of my life, from eating times, to morning routines, to a set of actions I take to ease into doing a task.
Lately, I’ve been feeling disconnected and dissatisfied with the amount of effort I seem to have to put in consciously to make things happen. It didn’t happen with ease or flow, everything felt like it was full of friction and left me tired easily.
And so I began looking for existing patters or rhythms in my life to amplify them, or find spaces to incorporate new rhythms.
I don’t want to call this discipline or structure, because a rhythm isn’t so rigid. A rhythm in life gives flexibility and space for how you are each day and adjusts to what your needs are for that day, without breaking a sweat. A rhythm also allows for you to turn up in the way you want without extending a lot of energy.
Rhythms are ever changing, but not in an uncomfortable way. They rumble and slowly roll over to new ways of moving and being.
But rhythms are assuring for me, and create a sense of safety - I’ve noticed. They are predictive, and foster a quiet sense of control within me. A very important thing for me to turn up as myself everyday.
I leave you with this thinking prompt~
What rhythms are important for you in your life?
What rhythms do you wish you had more of?
"To err is human, to purr is feline." ~ Robert Byrne
Think another hooman might enjoy following Nya and her hooman Anya? Help her recruit other hoomans.
Sent to you by Nya’s secretary with best meows from a desk at Paw Cat Guide.