What Will You Listen To This Week?
Caturday Zine Shop
It me, Nya. On Caturday I makes paw-pup zine shop, Nya’s Zine Shop. Best Zine Shop ever with best employees. I has a dino employee, a panda employee and many many hooman employees. First hooman recruitment drive be successful. I tells Anyā to semd you all the details laters. See peekture just before we closes shop. First order of business now is be a nice nap.
We have more than 40 new hooman recruits for Nya~
We set up shop on a parking lot on account of Nya’s Zine Shop being a parklet for PARK(ing) Day. The rain threatened to come before we even set up. But in the end, the clouds swirled past us, and waited patiently for us to be done from 4pm to 8pm. It started pouring cats & dogs as soon as we were done. If you were there, you would have caught us running through the parking lots clutching our thing things. More on thoughts, heart and process behind Nya’s Zine Shop soonly~
I had a mini booboo on Caturday. My phone’s was swollen by the time I got back after the event. I backed it up and turned off the phone. On Sunday fun day, I tried to extract my sim card out of it, but it was jammed (effectively also locked out of most communication and online accounts because of 2FA security). Today, I successfully mobile phone surgeried. Took two screw drivers and pried the covers of the phone off till I could rescue my SIM card to put into another phone. I am back online, not that I am active much. I barely felt any inconvenience.
Listen to how...
This Sunday feels like it's time
to listen to my own rhythms;
to pay attention to how I feel,
to how my body feels.When I listen closely,
there's a quiet joy.There's a quiet flow,
of things unsaid.Unsaid, not because
I don't want to say them.Unsaid, because
there are no words.Words don't seem
enough.Not enough
to express.Not enough
to feel.Not enough, because
I've never met these words.
Have you ever had a time when you were so caught up developing a friendship with your future self, that you may have unknowingly walked away from a loving friendship with one of your past selves?
As I write this today and look out my window, I distinctly recall a past version of me who is wise and loving with alphabets and letters.
This version of me seems so divorced from the me of today. Today, I am the one who can mostly think and feel in colours. Today, I am the one who feels so much that I don't know how to find the words to express them.
I have spent the last one year looking to find my way back to this past self, and rediscover them.
It seems like, somewhere along the way, my lack of ability to engage in words left me mute in many areas of my life. And it seemed like, this past self has the wisdom and knowledge to help me speak up.
Today, I have found them.
I leave you with this thinking prompt~
What past version of yourself have you unknowingly distanced yourself from that you yearn to find your way back?
How can this past self turn up for you, with you and next to you today?
"To err is human, to purr is feline." ~ Robert Byrne
Think another hooman might enjoy following Nya and her hooman Anya? Help her recruit other hoomans.
Sent to you by Nya’s secretary with best meows.